Monday, July 28, 2008

Lake Blanch

Hike: Lake Blanch
Location: Big Cottonwood Canyon
Company: none
Date: July 26, 2008

On Saturday we decided we needed a little more of that fresh mountain air. We went to Lake Blanch this time with no intention of actually finishing it. We did about 1/10 of it and turned around. It is a much steeper and longer hike and unlikely that Sydney would be okay with it. Plus it starting raining just before we got back to the car.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Donut Falls

Hike: Donut Falls
Location: Big Cottonwood Canyon
Company: Lisa's parents

We finally got another hiking backpack for the babies on Ebay and we took it out for a test run on the 24th of July. It seemed appropriate to celebrate our Pioneer day by doing some hiking. We went up to Donut Falls, my old stomping ground from the days of my youth. I spent many a summer evening playing up there. I hadn't been there in years though since they closed for a while due to reckless people. It's such a pretty hike and easy enough for Sydney to do.

This picture was funny because Sydney kept picking these little purple flowers whenever she saw them. Then we rounded a corner and there were bushes covered with tons of little purple flowers. It stopped her in her tracks.